Je suis un acteur.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

A cool weekend

I took the SAT for the second time today at Westminster. I came into the test feeling very confident and I think I did a good job (better than last time, at least)! About half-way through I thought to myself, "I think I'm really nailing these questions right on the head and getting them right." We'll see how my grade reflects my effort in about a month, I guess when the scores come in. I also got to see Cooper afterwards and we chatted for awhile, before I headed off to the Pace Fair with Brian and Will Gray. Kate and I were going to see a movie later, but she had to go to the emergency room! Something about a volleyball game gone awry. Hope you're not too doped up now, Kate.

Tonight, Ginny and I went to see "The Dining Room" at Lovett and I reckon it's the best play I've seen at that school (given, I've only seen 2). It was impressive to say the least. As an extra surprise, Eliza invited me to PDC in a very creative way (extra points, Eliza!) That's going to be very fun. And of course she was amazing as a mother, and an adulterous wife ;-).

Demain, I'm heading off to acolyte at church and then going to Galaxy Music Theater with the theater club to help them with various things around their space. I'm looking forward to that.

Oh yeah... I have to fit my homework and college-app time in there somewhere... yeah...

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