Je suis un acteur.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Life goes on.

I'm getting through school pretty well. It feels great to be a senior 'cause we have so many privileges. We get the senior cellar all to ourselves, we're going to get open campus pretty soon, the teachers don't treat us like underclassmen anymore. Everything's pretty awesome.
Since I got to choose most of my classes, I actually feel motivated to do the work (haha we'll see how long that holds up) so I'm going to do better. Plus, French this year is going to be a breeze. I took AP last year and learned everything about French grammar. The only thing left to learn would be some vocab which is basically a cinch.

I got back yesterday from spending Labor Day weekend with my cousins and grandparents in Dallas. Having the entire family together is always overwhelming but I like getting to see them all at least once a year. Uncle Robert and his family didn't come because they just moved into their new house in New Orleans and school just started for them. Oh, and let me tell you, I played Dance Dance Revolution. INSANELY FUN. I need to get the "Mario Mix" version for Gamecube :0) .

Chicago rehearsals going as normal. Slowly for me since I'm not in too many scenes. It IS nice to have more time for doing other things besides being stuck at Pace for practices.

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